Aerial Arts of Rochester uses skill charts to track your progress. Once you've completed all your skills, you are ready to advance to the next level. This allows everyone to learn at their own individual pace.
Aerial Arts of Rochester offers Dance Trapeze (“single-point trapeze”)
It is a sub-category of static trapeze which is hung from one point making the ropes form a V. In contrast with other trapeze types, where the emphasis is put on impressive acrobatic tricks, dance trapeze choreography is more artistic. It is influenced by contemporary dancing.

Level 1 Dance Trapeze
Students will learn the foundations of dance trapeze, such as how to mount, dismount along with basic poses and transitions. Short sequences may also be explored. 60 minutes.

Level 2 Dance Trapeze
In Level 2 dance trapeze will have you explore rotations and moves incorporating the ropes. Expect to spend time conditioning the core and shoulders to gain greater strength and range of motion. You will also begin working on sequences to gain stamina. Must have completed level 1 requirements. 60 Minutes.

Level 3 Dance Trapeze
Requirements for level 3 Dance Trapeze are to be able to flip onto bar without assistance from off the floor, single arm hangs for 10+ seconds and flip to standing from bar to feet.
60 minutes.